Quality Pediatric AFO Care in Edmonton for Your Child
Providing care to a child requires special considerations. This is part of the reason why we have a saltwater aquarium in our reception area and Rebel, our office dog, at the clinic most days. We want a child to feel comfortable while attending the clinic. Outside of this, we need to be prepared that children have different needs than adults as they are growing physically and mentally. Their goals and wishes will change over time, as will the demands on their braces. Simply asking a child what colour they want their brace(s) to be can often support their engagement in the bracing treatment process. We want to be with them every step of the way, assisting them to become even more amazing than they already are.

How Does it Work?
The first step is always a referral from a physician and the initial assessment. During the initial assessment, a Certified Orthotist will evaluate your child to determine their biomechanical needs and most optimal bracing treatment(s). A cast or scan will then be completed to take an impression of the leg(s). As with adults, your child will likely require some adjustments to make sure that the brace is comfortable and functions as designed. Education on everything about how to wear the brace, how to take care of it, and how to take ownership of it is very important. We will do our best to assist you and those in your support network by providing any information you may require.

Pediatric Orthopedic Care
Over the years, Karl Hager Limb & Brace has established itself as a leader in the treatment of various orthopedic conditions using custom-made devices. During this time, many people were not aware of our capacity to work with children for their bracing needs. Our technical experience is vast, but from time to time, we can provide greater benefits to our patients by outsourcing to leading companies for their particular expertise.
Cascade DAFO is one of those companies. As the leader in innovation, design, and manufacturing of dynamic orthoses for children, Cascade DAFO, Inc. introduced the first Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthosis (DAFO®) more than 25 years ago. Focused on the mobility challenges of young patients, the entire company is passionate about helping children lead healthier, happier lives. Their products are primarily geared toward pediatric patients, most of whom have neuromuscular challenges, but many adults also benefit from their innovative design concepts. We also believe, just like Cascade, that better mobility gives all children and adults a wider range of experiences, more success in the activities they choose, and ultimately more control over their lives. At Cascade, product design, technical support, educational programs for practitioners, and research and development are all focused on improving the effectiveness of our braces and the patient experience. Cascade has numerous options in regards to what they can produce, but here are three designs we commonly use:
Karl Hager Limb & Brace
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